Community FAQs

Q:  How do I report an emergency safety hazard situation such as flooding, gas leaks, or fires?
A: Dial 911 in the event of a major safety hazard. Once it is safe to do so, contact PMP Monday-Friday between 8:00AM and 5:30PM at (310) 694-0600. For after-hour emergencies, call the PMP emergency line at (661) 295-4900.

Q: I think my car has been towed, who should I contact to retrieve my car?
A: Contact our contracted towing company, Jon's Towing, at (818) 884-5600.

Q: What is the PMP website? 
A: The PMP website contains important HOA legal documents such as Master HOA Insurance Certificates, Board Meeting Minutes, and the CC&Rs. The website is also an official way to communicate with our property managers and submit requests for repairs or submit comments. 

Q: How do I access the PMP website?
A: Register on the site here. PMP will contact you with your login information.

Q: How do I report a broken community feature such as grills, community gates, or fire places?
A: Submit a repair request to PMP via the online portal here. Alternatively, email PMP at [email protected].

Q: How do I report a resident violating a HOA rule?
A: Submit a violation report to PMP via the online portal here. Alternatively, email PMP at [email protected].

Q: How do I report a parking violation such as someone parking in a fire lane or blocking a driveway?
A: Email a picture of the car and a description of the general location to the Parking and Traffic committee at [email protected]. Alternatively, email PMP at [email protected].

Q: How do I submit a general suggestion or idea to improve the community to the HOA Board?
A: Attend our homeowner forums and discuss it with the community! If you're unable to attend or want to bring up an issue privately, fill out our community survey here or visit the HOA board page for our contact information.